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Zpět na úvodní stranu - aktuální novinky 2017
Internet use is no longer limited to desktop devices of yesteryear. Rather users access the internet from their home, their tablets, and their phones. Responsive design gives your website the flexibility to attractively display content regardless of device size.
Responsive design is a technique described by Ethan Marcotte in which the design literally responds to its environment. Website content is automatically adjusted for optimal viewing based on device size. No matter the device, a user will see a layout optimized for their screen. Added bonus? Google improves your page ranking when your design is responsive!
Designers and developers work together to wireframe, or outline, the website. This phase must consider user experience (UX), interaction with site elements, and results in a basic design concept.
With basic elements determined, designers craft designs for various screen sizes while maintaining brand integrity, layout and user experience consistency. As screen sizes decrease, elements often stack, scale or collapse into expandable sections.
Everything from image and font sizes to navigation structure may need to change between screen sizes to ensure a quality user experience.
Developers use the design parameters to write the website code. Media queries are included to validate the size of the user’s screen and to then display the appropriate layout.
Today’s web development is not about one-size fits all solutions. It’s about taking advantage of the opportunities presented by new technologies and using them to craft meaningful and effective user experience.
With technology constantly changing and evolving, it is important to check-up on your responsive design at least quarterly. This gives you an opportunity to identify if there are any responsive issues with your website and make any necessary updates.
Once you see why it matters, we can help you create a site that leverages responsive design. Our designers and developers will work together to create an attractive site that uses the latest web technologies and delivers a superior experience to visitors. We can redesign your entire site, make minor adjustments, or provide our expert advice. Contact us today at inquiry@mediaG.com if you would like to talk about responsive design or any other web development needs.
1441 E. Maple Rd. Suite 200
Troy, MI, 48083
Phone: 248-687-7888
Fax: 248-687-7889
Email: inquiry@mediaG.com
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